Dear Leslie,
  What does your car look like - I'll pass it along to my niece in
as well as a description of the kitties.


----- Original Message -----
From: Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:32 pm
Subject: Off to the shelters (Bea and Satch)

> I felt so positive this morning, but as the hours pass, it's hard 
> not to
> feel frantic again.  I hope that the piece aired on channel 2 
> tonight will
> help.  I'm running out now to distribute some posters, then I've 
> got to get
> home to study some before the test tomorrow.  I'll check in again 
> with the
> news desks.  Do you know if one channel airs something does that 
> makes the
> rest less likely to?
> My big hope is the Oregonian newspaper.  I was told by the Humane 
> Societythat they couldn't send something out to the volunteer list 
> unless it was
> OHS (Oregon Humane Society) related.  I said "but I'm OHS related!" 
> The
> woman is very nice, so I'm hoping that if there is a case for rule 
> bendingthat this is it.  She certainly personally commiserated with 
> me.  I'll try
> again tomorrow, maybe as things get a bit more desparate, she'll be 
> morewilling to help, though I'd certainly rather things not get any 
> moredesparate.  I just hope that they aren't locked in the car 
> somewhere remote.
> If work can continue to be flexible, I'm going to take a long lunch 
> tomorrowand hit the shelters to peer into the cages.
> Words can not express my gratitude to you all.  As I'd written a 
> couple of
> you, the shock and raw feelings of the actual theft have more than 
> beensalved by you - the feelings of distrust and anger at the world 
> in general
> have been outyelled by all of your open generosity and continued 
> support.Things will not be all right again until they are back 
> home, but at least I
> know that evil is not winning in the long run.
> Thank you,
> Lesie

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