Thank you, Wendy -
I have to say that having them back hasn't gotten old.  :)
Every night I lay down with them, every morning I wake up to them, I'm just amazed.
Microchip, microchip.
Now I am concentrating on getting the rest of my life in order - got the Equifax year long identity theft flagger in place.  Have to close my bank account and reopen it today.  Going to get the cut-off system installed at noon.  And the smell - oh the smell of the meat juices you guys!  I'm hoping that the mechanic will have some advice on that.  I cleaned it really well the day I got the car, but wow, as the tiny little molecules decompose, it's horrendous. I'm thinking that since it's organic material an enzymatic cleaner, like what are used on cat spray, might help.  Either that or a bucket of gasoline and a match.  I have to say that even with the hassle and smell, I consider this about the best outcome I could possibly have hoped for.

Subject: To Leslie Re: What I learned


First, I want to tell you that you took me on a roller
coaster ride for about twenty minutes this afternoon
when I was finally able to catch up on my email and
read about Satch and Beatrix.  I could not believe
what I was reading!!!  I've never heard anything so

Second, I am sorry I was out of the loop and not able
to help you when you needed it.  I hate it when I miss
even a day of being a part of this group.  I am happy
though that you got so much help!!!  The people here
are wonderful.  Our group has such an amazing spirit!

Third, and most importantly, I am so happy that Satch
and Bea have made it home to you safely.  I know all
of us had a million horrible things going through our
minds, being the humans that we are; it's hard to stay
positive when you're scared.  I think the fact that
Satch and Bea came home so quickly and without injury
is a miracle considering that they were left in a
parking lot.  I am thankful that the perp was humane
enough to open the windows; Satch and Bea probably
hung out in the car for a while where they felt safe.

I'm going to sleep with a great feeling on my heart
after reading such a horrible story with such a
wonderful ending.  Thank you for asking for our help
and for sharing with us.


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