I do have Little Noses. But her congestion itself is not terrible. I just mentioned it because it is further evidence that this is a URI.  Though I guess it might be the congestion, rather than the fever, that is making her not want to eat.
In a message dated 10/24/2006 1:03:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Yes, I meant IR, not IM.  This isn't the first time your mom and I have been on the same page :).  I'm glad to hear Lucy was rubbing and purring, that's a good sign.  Don't worry about her sleeping more than usual, she needs her rest, poor little sprite!  Do you have "Little Noses" in the house, just in case?  When Spencer was blowing his nose all over the house I gave him Phenylephrine (rx) diluted with 5 parts saline.  It doesn't sound like she needs anything as strong as that and the Little Noses are made to be gentle enough for children.  If you feel it's necessary for her congestion, I'd try that first.  Hang in there girl,

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