Hi, all.  Lucy has been doing well getting over her URI-- no fever, no stuffy nose, just a little tiny bit of clear discharge from her nose every now and then.  But here is the problem-- she now has frequent liquid diarrhea, threw up this morning, and is not interested in eating more than a few bites. She has been on Clavamox for 4 days (got it this morning and today is her 5th day).  The course is 10-14 days.  She has IBD so has trouble with her intestines anyway, and I think perhaps the Clavamox is giving her the diarrhea and nausea.  I gave her some reglan and force-fed her some of her food blended, and will give her probiotics in about a half hour. 
My question is whether you think I should take her off the Clavamox now or keep giving it to her.  I am wary of taking her off before the end of the course, or at least a week or so of it, because she may have had a bacterial infection and her immune system is compromised by the FeLV and I do not want to set her up for a superinfection.  But I really would like to take her off and see if her intestines straighten out.  She is walkiing around and rubbing and purring, jumping, etc., but she clearly does not feel well, has lost weight in the last two days, and her fur looks kind of funny (though it is very dry in the house). I am also scared of letting her diarrhea go on for a long time, if it is from the antibiotics, because that is how her IBD started in the first place a year ago and I do not want to irrititate her intestines more. I had gotten her down to 6.25 mg of pred per day and she was doing well on that, intestines-wise, until last night. I am assuming it is the antibiotics messing her up now, but of course can not be sure.
My vet is not in until Monday. I left a message asking that the other vet there call to give me his opinion on this, but I am not crazy about him to begin with, so would like to hear your opinions.  Have you ever taken a positive off antibiotics after only 4 or 5 days?

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