Don't you hate when they do that???  Like we all don't
know  how much things cost, and decisions have to be
made.  I wish they'd give us some credit for brains.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you both.

May God bless you and Dukee,

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dukee is at the clinic as we speak.
> Believe me I rushed him A.S.A.P. when I got the call
>  back.
> Please pray for him and send him positive  energy!
> "I had one of the Techs tell me also that he may not
> make it.  That I needed 
> to think quality verses quantity on him that I
> should put the  money on the 
> kitties that may need it. I told her we had thought
> of  that."
> That is he does have FIP at least we are trying to
> help  others.
> At this point I don't care!
> I'm having a hard time to compose my self. My heart
> is breaking  and trying 
> to keep from crying is one of the hardest things to
> do especially in  the 
> public eye and at home.
> For those of you that don't know about my Taz go to
> his link  below under Pet 
> Memorial. You will see why I'm skiddish about any
> kitty being  put under.
> Dukee deserves this since he has been fighting to
> stay  alive this long. 
> I think the Tech realized what she says to me
> doesn't  make a damn to me and 
> to you guys. If he does make it I will be overjoyed
> but if  not it will be 
> part of a learning lesson for those of us on the
> list. I will get  all records 
> and any information to help others.
> The Veterinarian will do a panel and the tube
> inserting along  with medicated 
> intravenous feeding. 
> They will keep Dukee over the weekend in which I'm
> not  surprised I expected 
> it.
> Can you guys tell me how you feel on the FIP 
> vaccination?
> I know my reputable breeder friends are against the 
> vaccination.
> I would like your out take on this.
> Thanks!
> Terrie Mohr-Forker
> Donations accepted at:
> _ ( 
> _ 
> ( 
> _ 
> ( 
> _
> ( 
> _ 
> ( 
> _ ( 

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of your God"
                   Mosiah 2:17

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