I completely agree with what you say about educating
people.  Therein lies the answer.


--- Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, that's one crappily run "rescue", sounds more
> like a group of people getting together to pull cats
> from a kill shelter to "save" them, with no PLAN.
> I've seen it many times, but most don't even bother
> trying to pull off considering themselves a
> "rescue". There's another name for that, it's called
> HOARDING. It starts out like this... someone
> discovers that the world is a cruel place, and that
> animals die every second due to pet overpopulation.
> Poor bleeding heart tears open, and they begin to go
> visit the local kill shelter. Heart strings pull,
> every cat there is going to DIE, as they stare face
> first through the cage bars into the throes of the
> pet overpopulation crisis, they can't help but to
> save "just this one". So they take home their first
> "rescue". But the problem still exists, so next
> week, another trip to the kill shelter, more tears,
> and another cat gets "rescued". Time passes on, and
> more cats come home. The house is now full of
> rescued cats, more than the poor bleeding hearted
> person can really care for. Things slide... vet
> visits get overlooked (maybe even spay/neuter
> appointments, leading to "rescue kittens"), water
> dishes don't get washed, litterboxes tend to get
> really bad before being changed, not because the
> person doesn't CARE, but just because it's TOO MUCH
> for one person to take on. But the shelter still
> fills up with cats, cats that are DYING every day.
> The "rescuer" realizes... I need help! Desperate,
> this "rescuer" goes online, maybe starts a
> yahoogroup, and posts pictures and stories of cats
> at this kill shelter, and begs people to foster a
> cat. Fosters come forward, pulled at the
> heartstrings of the tragedy in the pet
> overpopulation problem. They are convinced, by this
> "rescuer" (who may by now have come up with a
> website, a "name" for his/her "rescue", and some
> kind of following), that they can make the
> difference, they can "adopt" this one kill shelter,
> and really turn the numbers around, make this one
> city or county a "no kill" city. More fosters get on
> board, but the influx of cats at this shelter never
> stops, because even though people are now pulling
> the cats from the shelter, there's no outreach to
> the community, and the BREEDERS (by breeders, I mean
> ANY unspayed or unneutered cat or dog) are still
> popping out more kittens. The cycle is sustainable,
> for a while, if they get more fosters, they may even
> make head-way, maybe they get it so the kill shelter
> never has a full cat room. Time passes, things are
> looking good, people feel like they are making a
> difference. But, then the fosters begin to realize,
> "wait, am I fostering, or have I just adopted these
> cats?", because the "rescuer" never seems to be
> ready to have a cat they are fostering returned to
> the rescue to be adopted out. That's because the
> "rescuer" has also kept pulling cats all along, so
> there's never any "space" at the rescue. Still, more
> "foster home" requests keep coming, who can deny a
> face like Tigger's, or the cute little kittens about
> to be killed at the shelter? Now, there's a big
> GROUP of "rescuers", some that consider themselves
> "fosters" because they pulled the cat under the name
> or direction of the "rescue". But it's still the
> same as always, cats continue to come into the kill
> shelter, and members of the "rescue GROUP" keep
> pulling more and more cats, to "save" them all.
> Money goes into vet bills, expenses pile up, things
> take a turn for the worse, it's getting hard to pay
> for all the food, and litter, and keep up with the
> litterboxes, and bowls, and bedding. But the rescuer
> holds on to hope, because they are "just fostering"
> for another rescuer, and it's only "temporary". But,
> the fact is, the act of simply PULLING from a kill
> OVERPOPULATION PROBLEM. It really sucks to think of
> it this way, BUT, if even just ONE of these rescuers
> pulling from the kill shelters took ALL the money
> spent on pulling cats (most shelters DO charge an
> "adoption" fee, even to "rescues"), feeding them,
> vetting them all, etc; and instead used the money to
> provide free spays and neuters to low income members
> of the city the kill shelter is located in or used
> it to create educational programs for that
> community, THAT would REALLY make the difference.
> Yes, cats WILL DIE. The Kill Shelters are NOT the
> enemy, the UNEDUCATED and POOR people of the
> community that don't or can't afford to get their
> pets altered are the enemies. The cycle wont stop by
> pulling cats from kill shelters. I know it SUCKS to
> consider that fact, but it's true, saving Tigger,
> Fluffy, Honey, Cotton, and Shadow, all cats that
> WOULD have DIED in the shelter, does not, and cannot
> ever make any difference to the GREATER ISSUE that
> underlies tragic face of pet overpopulation in our
> world. There are MUCH worse things than euthanasia
> (think of YOURSELF living your entire life in a
> 8x8x8 cage, that's about the same ratio of space a
> cat feels in a 2x2x2 cage). If we get past the faces
> peering out at us from behind the bars, and down to
> the root of it all, you'll discover the truth, that
> IF we concentrated on getting GOOD public awareness
> of the issue, if we provided LOW COST or FREE
> spay/neuter services to the general public, those
> little faces behind the bars.... the ones you want
> to save from that fate at the kill shelter... they
> would never have been BORN to begin with. In that,
> you'll find the answer.
> Bless you all!
> ....please don't blame the messenger....
> Phaewryn
> Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!!
> http://ucat.us/adopt.html 
> Low cost Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency
> Financial Assistance for cat owners:
> http://ucat.us/VermontLowCost.html
> Special Needs Cat Resources:
> http://ucat.us/domesticcatlinks.html 
> The Sofa Poem: http://ucat.us/sofapoem.html
> Find us on PETFINDER!
http://petfinder.com/shelters/VT44.html> No virus
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