I am so very sorry for your loss of Olive.  I can not imagine losing four in such a short period of time.  I know you did everything in your power to treat their symptoms, but I do agree with Belinda about the need for a necropsy on one of these cats.  I understand that it is upsetting to think of their beautiful physical forms being disturbed, but as you have said in the past, they have moved on from there and are now playing in a happier place.  For the sake of those that are still here, I would get a necropsy for a definite confirmation of the diagnosis.  I didn't do it with my Alice either, she was so sick I am pretty sure she was beyond saving, but there is always that niggling doubt in my mind.  Heaven forbid, but if I lose any of my others to something that looks like this awful disease, I will ask for the necropsy.  The information might help me know how to treat future sick kitties. I think you mentioned that you think another one of the ferals may be getting sick, I so hope that it is just an URI, but just in case it is the same thing, perhaps you could begin to steel yourself to the idea of a necropsy now, so that if the time comes you have already made the decision and don't have to try to do it in the midst of your grief.  Or let your vet know now that you would like to have it done if any others pass with these symptoms, so that you don't actually have to say it out loud at the time.  Hopefully it has run its course and this isn't necessary, but just in case... 
Strength to you and the rest of your babies,
"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,. The courage to change
the things I can,. And the wisdom to know the difference. ..."

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