Hi Terrie,
I'm in Portland - I'm glad that you and your family are safe.  Storms are quite lovely as long as you are out of harm's way, I think.
A huge tree blew down across the street from my apartment, but thankfully it was just the length of the front yard of the house it was in front of, so they escaped any structural damage,  it did take down the power lines, but by the time that I came back from class everyone had power.
Subject: Way OT: Flooding here in WA!

Hi all,
   Just wanted to let you know the town I  live by is flooding. I've been
watching all the news local and nation wide they  are showing my town.
I can't get out or in where I'm at...which is fine with me. My  home is fine
we are high enough and hope nothing happens. The town is  Sultan, WA.
My husband had to stay at a co-worker's home tonight because he  couldn't get
home. My daughter and granddaughter were stranded for a bit on the  road that
goes through Sultan. They barely made it home before they shut the  highway
down. So I was sitting on pins and needles waiting for their return  home.

"Belinda are you okay where your at?"
I know your over in Sumner.

Terrie Mohr-Forker

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