I think this is outrageous. 
In a message dated 11/10/2006 2:27:18 P.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Serious question, all of us love our cats and are often in desperate
situations, there is a " Homeopath" who also has  a site, Without
going into  all of the details which I have records of this person
frightens people in to following her  plan and charges a lot of
money, she has made a claim on her site that she has an over 50%
success rate with FIP cats, yet she refuses to give any references,
If you ask you just get insulted,  she tells them she can only take
on 2 FIP cases a week and if you are lucky enough to be selected for
her fee she will take you on as a client,
I have the invoice she charged one person I will Paste on here. I
have emails she sent another friend with an FIP cat that were
insulting and more than unprofessional, In my own experience with
this person I might have lost my IBD cat with cholangiohepatitis had
I listened to this person, I was berrated for taking my cat to the
vet. fortunately I did and he had a gall stone and without surgery
would have died, He is now fat and happy,
I could be totally wrong and this is what homeopaths do, so please
correct me if I am in error,

>    This is a copy of the Invoice due, to show the detail, and the
> > >original is sent via PayPal.
> > >
> > >Consult agreed 9-14-06, all items per fee quotation on 9-14-06.
> > >Copy here:
> > >
> > > > Repertorizing takes several hours, it's the process to match a
> > >specific
> > > > remedy to an individual. It has a fee of $117 first time and $98
> >each
> > > > additional time if another repertorizing is needed. It's needed at
> >the
> > > > start of a consultation, and may be needed again as a complex case
> > > > progresses, if the symptoms change significantly.
> > > > The initial Consult has a $30 fee for writing up the
> > > > accompanying the repertorizing, including diet, remedies,
> >supplements,
> > > > and answering questions you may have about it. This involves about
> > > > hours work on my part and the fee is $147 due at the start of a
> > >consult.
> > >
> > >[This was not received yet.]
> > >
> > > > After that, there's a fee for follow-up of $25 for each day on
> > > > advice emails are needed. For quick one-liners it's $5 each so as
> >not
> > >to
> > > > charge $25 for a one-liner. All fees are in US dollars.
> > >
> > >9-14-06 Intereferon and multiple FIP-related emails of advice $25
> > >9-15-05 FIP-related multiple emails of advice $25
> > >9-15-06 Parcel with FIP nosode 30C $20
> > >9-16-06 Advice on food, slippery-elm etc $25
> > >9-17-06 Advice on how to use nosodes, also for multiple cats $25
> > >9-18-06 Main consult repertorizing (Zinc) and write-up $147.00
> > >9-18-06 Article on Fiber importance, (complimentary)
> > >9-21-06 Follow-up $25
> > >9-26-06 Follow-up re Zinc 200C multiple emails $25
> > >9-27-06 Follow-up multiple emails $25
> > >9-28-06 Short email $5
> > >10-03-06 Short email $5
> > >10-03-06 Fip 30C and 200c nosode parcel $35
> > >10-05-06 Advice NOT to use FIP 200C before Dharma is fully well. $10
> > >10-11-06 Instructions how to ensure the nosodes last several years.
> > >10-17-06 Advice for other cats $25
> > >10-25-06 Follow-up emails XXX worse after Fip 200C nosode $25.
> > >10-26-06 Multiple email follow-ups $25
> > >10-30-06 Repertorize again (Kali-c and Pic-ac) $98
> > >10-30-06 Short email $5
> > >10-31-06 Multiple follow-up emails $25
> > >
> > >TOTAL DUE through end OCTOBER: $625.00
> > >PayPal fee if paid by credit card $31
> > >
> > >If to prefer to mail a check to avoid the PAyPal fee, that is fine,
> >just
> > >
> > >let me know and I'll cancel the PayPal invoice.
> > >
> > >
> > >Thank You.
> > >
> > >--

I am sure there are good , professional Homeopaths out there getting
a bad reputation from what I see as scam artists. Please share your
wise opinions here. also the price she is attempting to charge another friend.
I know we deal with bad VETS all the time, but there are others out
there willing to take advantage also. 

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