Oh Peggy, I am so sorry to hear this.
Scooter was indeed lucky to have found you and your husband and you, him.  I am so sorry that it was for such a short time.   Thank you for loving him like he needed.  I hope that your happy memories pull you through this hard time.


From: "Peggy Ankney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Scooter has gone to the bridge

Our little baby wasn't strong enough to hold on over the weekend.  The
vet called yesterday to say that his condition had worsened.  He was no
longer responding to their petting or holding him, and didn't even stand
up during the examination, and seemed to be in much more pain.  She had
given him more pain medicine and he was basically out of it.  I asked
about the dex cocktail, and she said his kidneys were even more enlarged
and felt hard and she didn't think it would help at this point.  My
husband and I didn't want him to continue to suffer, so we decided to
let him go.  We are comforted by the fact that he did find us, as he
would have likely starved to death from the mass in his mouth, so at
least we were able to help him finish this life in comfort and warmth.
We only had him for a couple months but this little fellow really worked
his way into our hearts, and the house seems so much quieter now.  But I
am so grateful to him for teaching us so much about this virus, and
should another stray kitty come to us we will know a little more about
what to do.  I requested a post-mortem in case they can learn anything
more about his condition and if there is useful information I'll post
it.  We're going to bury him in the back yard sometime this week.  Our
vet was wonderful and said that we should envision him in his healthy 7
pound body running around free of pain.  Thanks to all of you who have
helped us through this difficult time.  Prayers for all the kitties
still fighting this disease, and to all of the compassionate caregivers
working so hard to help them.

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