I totally agree...

On Dec 12, 2006, at 10:33 PM, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn wrote:

Did you read any of the literature I sent? Because it doesn't sound like you did. FIP is NOT CONTAGIOUS. Corona virus is contagious, but 80% to 100% of cats in shelters ALREADY HAVE CORONA. Perhaps you may want to read the literature. How do you know you can't change the shelter's policy, how many times have you tried in the past? I would think that once every 3 to 6 months wouldn't be too often (picketing out front sometimes helps, but these days that may get you imprisoned as a terrorist).

Or, who knows, maybe saving this one cat is enough for you, and your life mission is complete, who I am to judge? I hope you find her a home, and you live the rest of your days in blissful peace and happiness (at least until the shelter starts testing all their cats and decides to kill them ALL since they likely ALL test corona positive). Like they say, maybe you can't save every life, but to the one you do save, it means everything! What really matters is that you feel good inside, and that you can honestly look back on this in the future and say "I did the best I could" and be at peace with that. That's all any of us can really do. (I just speak from experience, as I know I look back on my life and regret all the "I could have done
mores" I left behind.)
Have you posted her on the FIP cats and kittens for adoption section of the
bemikitties adoption website yet?
http://www.bemikitties.com/felv/cgi-bin/suite/classifieds/ classifieds.cgi? request=display_sub&category_id=101&website=default&session=457f7e836b 6f7748

You can also post her to these yahoogroups:

And to these websites:

And, if you tell me your city and state, I will send you a list of all the no kill shelters in a 200 mile or so radius to you. Or, if you prefer to not give out that information, you can find a partial list on my webpage (scroll down a way) at: http://ucat.us/domesticcatlinks.html (if you or anyone else knows of any I don't have
listed PLEASE send me their info)

Remember, pictures speak louder than words, so if you can, get a picture of her (go for the most pathetic looking pose you can get) and post a link to her picture every time you post her somewhere. If you need someone to host the image so you can link to it, send it to me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will upload it to my website
and send you the URL.

I hope this is more along the lines of the type of information and assistance you
require. Good luck!

Best Regards,


Please save Whitey! http://ucat.us/Whitey.html
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources: http://ucat.us/domesticcatlinks.html

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