Dear little Stamp, (What a great name for a post office refugee). I'm so pleased to hear his PCV is rising. It sounds like your vet was throwing the kitchen sink at your little tyke. In my opinion, just what they should do under the circumstances. I don't know if I would have gone with the Pred so quickly, (since it tends to diminish immune response), but the Doxy makes sense since the anemia could be undetected Hemobart. Prayers that the new vet is on top of their game and is able to keep Stamp healthy and you satisfied with his approach to treatment.

I would suggest to your friend that she seek another opinion about her kitten's care. I can understand why the vet thinks that an IFA might be premature, but to refuse? I've never heard anything about Interferon "stunting growth", but felv will stunt it in a far more dangerous way even if there is some validity to that. I've also never heard that a kitten's PCV is "different" than an adult's. There's just too much head scratching associated with her vet's comments for me to feel comfortable.

Gussies mom wrote:
I have a 3-4 month old kitten named Stamp. I noticed his tongue was pale even though he was running around like crazy, so I took him to the vet to have a PCV. It was 23. They said he was anemic and put him on Doxy, Prednisilone, and interferon. 2 weeks later his PCV was 26. I have never had an FeLV cat's PCV increase!!!! The vet said the Prednisilone can help maintain their Red blood cells. A friend of mine just had her 3 month old kitten test a slight positive for FeLV on both an in house Elisa and an Elisa they sent out (I thought the only one they sent out was an IFA, but she confirmed that was not what he had and the vet refuses to do an IFA at this point - huh?) She also refuses to put him on Interferon because she said it will stunt his growth - I've never heard that. I would think It would help boost his immune system if he is trying to fight it off. Anyway. Her kitten tested at a 30 on his PCV and the vet said a 24-30 was normal for a kitten; that a kitten's normal PCV is different than an adults. I've never heard this. All my FeLV cats in the past died from anemia. The normal for my adults has been 37-42. They all died at PCVs of 7-10 This is what the vet said about Stamp's full bloodworkup that was sent out: CBC shows anemia
Not regenerating well
White blood cell count low
Stay on Doxycycline, Prednisolone and iron supplement and Innurferon
Recheck in two weeks or sooner if not doing well. Has anyone had an FeLV kitten that has had a PCV and know what the vet said was normal. All mine were adults when they got sick. Stamp goes to a new vet Friday to be rechecked(Shelter is swithching vets). We'll see if there is a totally different opinion this time. I just don't know what to think right now. Beth & Stamp

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