I'm so sorry.  GLOW to light her path and ease your hearts
Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his 
life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
- Anonymous

----- Original Message ----
From: clarissa- Floyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 12:22:12 PM
Subject: add Pogo to the CLS list please & question about interferon

We lost Pogo 2 weeks ago to lymphoma she had a huge mass in her chest and 
wouldnt eat. had to go through 3 different vets to find 1 that would do blood 
work and ex-rays and by then there wassnt much we could do for her except let 
her go. she was purring as she went which helped me be more confident i made 
the right decision. 
since then we have continuing issues in the remaining 7 as Pogo was head of the 
"herd". 1 of the males had become a bully. chasing the smaller ones into 
cabinets and laying in front of them so they cant get out ect. it seems like 
they figure whoever is my favorite will be headhoncho next as they are all 
wanting more attention from me. thy dont act much different with the other 2 
ppl in the house though. 

a week after Pogo went to the bridge we noticed Oreo was loosing weight and was 
growling when picked up and brushed. her spine was extreemly sore from the 
shoulders back into her tail. with pain meds and antibiotic she was eating 
again imediatly and within 2 days climbing the 6foot cat tree. (had to cage her 
for a few days to keep the silly girl from hurting herself again).
 at her checkup the vet is going to discuss interferon for the whole herd. i 
would apreciate any sugestions and information ya'll have on the meds and if 
theres any place i might be able to buy them cheaper than through the vet. all 
i know right now is that the initial cost is high especially since i have 7 
thanks to all of you for being here.  
Karen, oreo,teddy,stitch,salem,bandit,houdini,boots

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