I didn't get the notice until I sent a test email...and I got this response
(which is why I re-enlisted with another email account...):

Hi Elizabeth, there's something wrong with AOL accounts and our list.
Messages to your email address have been bouncing, so the system
suspended your account. Please visit:
to reactivate your list settings. Please let me know if you need
further assistance. Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I got the *SAME *message....I am on AOL and *thought* messages WERE
bouncing 'cause I am not on PC as much because of my vision......AND - I do
belong to other cat/dog/rescue groups, so the amount of mail I get is high.
And, AOL has a 1,000 limit.  Funny thing is, I got that message in my SPAM
folder, and AOL is NOT great w/ spam...The amount of *real spam* I get in
my regular mail is unbelievable.....
I DID reply to the link given and explained my situation. Even promised to
get on-line daily, at least to clean out junk, not always able to read.
I think AOL DOES have major problems..... This being just one.
I hope things get straightened out for everyone that got that notice...

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