Hi Cindy

Do you use the immuno-regulin when needed or are you on a maintenance dose
for Smokey? My cats have finished their preliminary protocol. The vet plans
a monthly dosage. In the meantime Junior got sick, now Tiny seems to have
the URI. Tiny's cold is not as bad. He does seem a bit pale(his noses is not
as pink). I may have him tested or checked for anemia when he goes back on
the 5th of January. 

Kelly I also want to talk to my vet about the alferon, but am unclear how
she needs to write the prescription. 

Thanks for any help here. I am crossing my fingers that I do not have to
take Tiny to the vet before his scheduled visit. He seems to be holding his


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of cindy reasoner
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:02 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Prayers needed for Bandy

Kerry, have you tried using the immuno-regulin?  It
seemed to help when Smokey was running fevers.  The
vet would tell me he had an infection somewhere but
they never could find it.  When I started him on the
immuno-regulin it really seemed to help him.  I am
crossing my fingers but it has been 9 months since he
had his last fever.  I hope this might help.  You and
Bandy are in my prayers.  I hope Bandy starts feeling
better very very soon.

Cindy Reasoner
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