Last week, Ember went to the vet for a check-up. She's doing well, has gained weight, and her CBC looked good. About two days after the visit, she threw up a large hairball. Not long after, she had a really runny bowel movement, and then a very bizarre, watery stool. I took her off food for a day or so, then put her back only on canned food. She's been doing okay all weekend, though not much box activity.

Today, I re-introduced the dry food and gave her canned food as normal. She had a nice and normal bm a few hours ago. I was really proud! Unfortunately, about thirty minutes ago, she had another runny, loose poop.

Natalie posted about hairballs (re: Ember's runny stool then) last June. Could Ember be having further problems from the hairball? Wouldn't she be constipated if a hairball was impacted? I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to keep pulling the food and putting it back. I normally do free choice dry and one canned meal, but our eating times have been off for the last four days.

She doesn't seem to be having any other problems. She's eating dry food right now, as a matter of fact. We've had my sister in town, guests for dinner downstairs and some slightly off hours due to Christmas. Still, I'd be surprised if stress was causing this. I'm going to call my vet tomorrow, but I'd appreciate any thoughts or opinions anyone here might offer.



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