Dear Kelley,

You will be strong enough.  You will be strong enough
for Missy, because you love her so.  You asked how we
do it...I believe that the good Lord doesn't give us
more than we can handle.  Of course, when times get
tough for me, the only way I can get through them is
by asking for help through prayer.  If I didn't do
that, I would be much worse off.  Those tears you cry
are not bad.  They are cleansing, and help you to
grieve.  Knowing Missy is ill allows you to grieve
beforehand, and strangely enough, will help you to
accept the inevitable, Missy's passing.  Thank God you
are there for Missy to love her while she is here.  If
you can, try to make the time Missy has left a happy
time, for you and for her.  Celebrate her life with
her.  Her life is beautiful and a blessing to you. 
You will have time to grieve when she passes on. 
Prayers going out for little Missy and for you.  


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