well, yes, i was positive when i wrote it, but now i can't remember for
sure..... of course, you know my memory is becoming progressively more
randomly accessible as i age..... so i'm sitting here trying to visualize
what's written on that little index card, and the level of med in the
syringe--but which size syringe am i seeing? one of the 1cc, or one of the
3ccs? oh, no, now i'm gonna have to go search through 320GB of hard-drive
space to see where the heck i saved it...

On 12/31/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 .25MG? Are you sure about that MC? That isn't enough to do anything, I
don't think. The standard does is 12.5MG.


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