Mine get occasional fancy feast too, it's not too bad if it's limited to a 
snack, and
not the primary food source. I use it to hide medicine in all the time, it's a 
kitty junk food. Just remember that's what it is, and use it accordingly. You
wouldn't eat a big mac and a large fry for all your daily meals, if you did, it 
be bad. Treat FF like fast food for cats, good for occasional happiness, but 
not good
for much else. I usually split 2 cans between 6 cats, so it's a heaping 
each. Like a good dessert, LOL! Just don't give it to the poopy kittens, it's 
got too
much stomach and intestinal irritating junk in it for them just now. My cats 
HATE the
canned EVO, they would rather starve than eat it. The Califorina Natural canned 
to go over better, and the Wellness canned seems to be even better, for my cats


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