Hi Michelle,
I'm glad to read that Lucy is feeling better, but just for the reference
point: my Hepburn that I lost to wet FIP (also not confirmed with a
necropsy), succombed quickly, like Beth said, it was over about a week and a
half before I decided that she was suffering more than enjoying life.
Funny, one of the things that made the decision so hard is that she would
purr.  I didn't know that it was called the purring disease, but I did know
that purring doesn't always mean content, it can also mean pain or fear.  In
any event, her belly was quite round - think of a very pregnant horse - or
maybe a pregnant cat, I don't know, I've never seen one.  No real disguising
it.  I still get nervous sometimes with Satchmo and Beatrix though -
especially Bea since she's longer haired and a kitten, and it's hard to tell
if she's fluffy, got a full little belly, or is dying - that's pretty much
how my mind works.  :)

My test is to palpate the tummy when they are standing, if you can feel the
"ropy"/bumpy muscle, connective tissue, whatever, that's in there, then
you're fine, if you can press in and there is "nothing" resisting your
fingers, then I would worry.  This is not to say that it means wet FIP, it
just means that I would worry.

Anyway, I am glad that you don't need this info now, but in case it comes up
in the future for anyone.

By the way, they did draw some of the fluid and tested for lymphoma, it came
back negative, so combined with the lethargy, inappetance, and belly...I
can't remember if there was a fever, the vet concluded wet FIP.


Subject: fip question

I spoke to my vet about lucy, and he did not see a reason to bring her in.
He agreed that her discomfort for a few hours in the evening is probably
related  to her ibd and to up her flagyl and pred a little.

I have, though, probably irrationally, started worrying about
wet  FIP.  Her
sides look a little pooched out to me, which may just be that she  had
some weight for the couple weeks she did not want her turkey mush
and  looks a
bit skinny all over and has just started gaining it back so may
be  gaining it
back in her tummy first. But, not knowing why she is
getting  uncomfortable
for a few hours a day, and being paranoid about fip, I started  worrying
maybe the poochiness is fluid accumulation. I looked for a wet fip  photo
but can not find one.  I found info on wet fip symptoms, and  it did say
fluid accumulation can happen slowly and that other symptoms can  be
intermittent inappetance and depression.  Does anyone think she
could  have fip? When
she is not having the discomfort, she is pretty normal, maybe a  slight
less active than usual, but she is eating quite a bit.  When  cats get wet
are the symptoms normally constant? Should I be worried about  this? And
fluid accumulation very obviously fluid, or could it look sort of  like
weight gain (i.e. when I look at her from behind, her butt looks thin  and
I can
see her sides sticking out a bit, rather than just chubby all over  like
other cats). Does the fluid feel mush like water, or firm? If I press
on  her
belly, it just feels like her stomach is bigger.

Thanks for any thoughts or advice.  I think if I call my vet and ask  him
this he will think I have gone round the bend, but I am feeling  anxious.


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