I have considered doing just that. I don;t have any syringes what ones do
you use and where do you get them. I think I read somewhere that you are
more likely to get a site reaction on subcutaneus injections. I would think
since they have already gooten the injections IV this would be less likely
to happen.

I am thinking the thisk ears may be hematomas. He does not have any symptoms
that his ears bother him. He doesn;t scratch and there are no apparents
mites. It might be an ear infection. I do have trasaderm from an earlier
infection B4 the Felv diagnosis.  I may start using it to see if it helps.
Only thing is it adds one more torture to his routine. How can you not
stress a cat and treat him too? I did get a pill crusher for his lysine
tablets. Eric did not like me using a hammer. I was fine with that. The
other thing with the ears are they always seem bright red. Is that a symptom
I need to be worried about?

Thanks for all the information.



 I have started giving my positives I-R subcutaneously to deal with
URI's.  I started this a few days ago when they both started showing
symptoms. It seems to help. I was nervous about it at first, but a couple
people on this list give it sub-q at home, and my vet said that if it can be
given IV then it won't hurt to give it sub-q, it just might not be as
effective. So far it seems to be working, knock on wood.  If he hasn't
gotten it for a while and he is in fact running a fever, you might want to
put him back on it for a bit.

In a message dated 1/12/2007 8:52:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Yes he is on the immuno regulin but only at a maintenace schedule. I don't
think he is due back for a couple months. He has been through the protocol.

So had Tiny. Tiny never had any visible symptoms of FeLV. (He tested a
weak positive.) That is why his death was so unexpected. I think he died of
some unrelated problem. He may have had all his life but was nver
diagnosed. Maybe a reason for me to feel guilt over his death. I even asked
the vet who saw him last summer about his cough and could it be this or
that. At the time he had a BAD URI so that was the concern. Of course two
months later I am dealing with the death of another cat and 3 cats Felv
positive. It was not a good year. I would like to give Junior some quality



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