I'm glad she is eating some, Michelle.  Still remembering you guys in my



 I do have a/d and appetite stims, but she can't handle the appetite stims
(periactin makes her a zomby and does not make her eat). Good news though--
Gray bought her some dry i/d and she got all excited and has eaten a bunch
of it several times. At this point I think she has had at least one meal's
worth today, maybe more.  One time I was putting some in a bowl to offer her
more, and she jumped off her box and trotted over to eat it on her own.
Then the fever came back, though, so I have her on ice packs again.

I believe in dex as well. I will see what the hospital has to say tomorrow
re: the tests they ran. Problem with steroids is not just infection, but
that her heart is enlarged and has a murmer now, and steroids apparently can
make that worse.  But the enlarged heart and murmer apparently could be from
dealing with anemia over 'time, so maybe if dex helped the anemia it would
help rather than hurt her heart. I don't know. Unless she has cancer, I
doubt I will get any dex from the hospital-- they are very by the book. I am
already working on my local vet to try it with her if the hospital's test
results are inconclusive.

Kerry, do you have any dex left from bandy? I prefer dex shots, which I
assume you don't have, but if my local vet won't give me shots, maybe pills
would help.

And thank you for telling me (reminding me, actually, I do remember now)
what it is you meant by panicking and things going wrong.  I know it is hard
to talk about. But it does help me. I am constantly trying to decide whether
to bring her in, and just don't want to. Your conviction that this is ok
gives me some strength to hold off.


In a message dated 1/19/2007 6:15:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Hi Michelle,
Do you have any a/d?  Appetite stimulants?
I went into panic mode when I took him to the hospital for IV fluids and
they had to keep him.  We had been doing sub-q's and I should have continued
them as he wasn't that bad off until some things went wrong while he was
there..Since it was over Christmas and no regular vet tech was there only a
kennel tech...who could administer meds but I don't think very well...as one
time she was going to give Bandy a shot and said what and how much..and I
told her that was too much...she really didn't seem to know...then a few
other things happened..It is a long story and much different situation than
yours..I know something went wrong....very wrong from the time I saw him on
Christmas eve 11am until I went back again at 1pm..And I will always believe
it is something she did cause there was too much of a drastic change in him
and his condition wasn't that bad at 11am..He was sitting up purring and
talking to me and eating for me...
I'm sorry to go on about this, but I have been having nightmares about it
ever since..So I just want you to make sure to not panic and do what you can
for her with your knowledge and things at home where she will feel more
comfortable and all..I think you know what I mean.
You will know if she needs to go for more help at the vet..
I have already been through a couple of ordeals with Inky without rushing
off to the vet..just using what I have here at home..
I still believe some dex would do her wonders...as it always did for Bandy
with those dreaded fevers...and you know we battled them for months and
months..Infection or not..I have seen it do wonders..
I'll keep checking back on your guys,
Kerry, Angel Bandy and Inky

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