A friend of mine whose kitty would have pancreatitis attacks frequently but not so much now that they have figured out what works for her, gives her cat higher doses of prednisolone when she has an attack, this cat has been on prednisolone for many years because of it (over 7 years I think). She just had an eposide about 6 months ago that presented differently and they took her in and did over 600 dollars in tests that were basically inconclusive, so my friend decided to up her pred and guess what it cleared up. They were almost considering euthanizing her because she was so miserable, but the higher pred took care of it so it was a pnacreatitis attack same as before. I think this kitty is about 15 or 16 years old. She keeps her on a higher dose of pred when she is having an attack and when she is over it weans her very slowly down to a maintenance dose. I can talk to her and find out what food she eats. She has a lot of, in fact almost all of her cats are special needs. They all have special diets, and many are on various medications. I'll try and get a hold of her tomorrow and ask her about it.

Bailey was also on the raw diet when he got sick, I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not, I do know he got quite plump on the raw and was eating really good until he got sick.

happiness is being owned by cats ...


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