Ohhhh yeaaaaa... medical model.

Actually, I think I'd be looking into Acemann or ImmunoRegulin or sometime like that...

Best of luck,


On Jan 21, 2007, at 8:05 AM, TenHouseCats wrote:

you're up against the old medical model, which holds true in veterinary as well as in human medicine: diagnosis/treat/cure. if you can't do those things in one swell foop, blame the patient!

Renee, I think the main difference between the way Dr. Clifford treats you with Emily and the way he's treating Michelle with Lucy is that Emily's breast cancer is considered more treatable, where they are not giving Michelle any hope, and are more or less annoyed that she hasn't given up yet with something they see as terminal. At least that's what I'm pulling from what's been posted here. Almost like they are saying "well, she's old and she's got FIP, there's nothing we can do", but yet they don't seem to be AWARE of the studies that prove Feline Interferon Omega's effectiveness on FIP!

Michelle, if I were you, I would be slamming copies of studies down on some desks around that place and making some heads roll if they treated me so disrespectfully! It might not hurt to REMIND them that you are PAYING them for their service, and even if your cat is "hopeless" in their eyes, you DESERVE to get your money's worth of consultation!


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