I am very tuned into weather. I work in a retail nursery and my job is
mostly outside. Of course when the weather is real bad we try to find
something to do inside. Spring is right around the corner and I can't wait.
I got poison ivy the other day because I was planting some helleborus
beneath and old tree. Well you can't see the poison ivy at this time of
year, but you sure can get it. My stupidity of course.


On 1/22/07, TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

and candlemas is coming up, february 2nd..... midpoint between winter
solstice and spring equinox..... also known as st brigid's day, when the
celts would go up and light huge bonfires on the top of hills to remind the
sun to return. i've always loved that imagery....

(i'm from buffalo; i know about dreary.)

On 1/22/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh Sally you paint such a melancholy winter scene.  I just wanted to let
> you know I understand and appreciate those winter blues.  I also know what
> it's like to miss that window of opportunity with getting someone spayed.
> I'm sure Daisy's pitiful howlings are not doing anything to make the scene
> more upbeat.  Hang in there girl, you're doing a fabulous job holding things
> together and caring for your babies.  Just remember, the only true constant
> in life is change.  Just hold on, nothing remains the same for very long.
> Before you know it the scenery will change and the sun will be shining
> through.
> Hugs to you and yours,
> Nina
> Sally Davis wrote:
> Today has been a miserable day here in VA. Freezing rain and sleet
> brought me home early from work. This gave me time to spend with Junior and
> my other cats. Junior seems to feel better. His ears are almost normal
> looking.  I am not sure what cause the hematomas because he did not shake
> his head or paw at them. Of course he is still egtting medicine for his
> eyes. He vision is very limited in his good eye. It is still dilated from
> the infection. He is eating better although I am enticing him with anything
> he will eat. He gets Lysine in baby food.
> My thoughts about Tiny. Tiny always has a cough throughout his short
> life. Not a bad cough and not even every day. Just sometimes he would cough
> after purring. When he was a kitten he did have a URI and his sinuses
> smelled terrible. He thew this off on his own. I had suspected he had
> heartworms even though not real common in cats I live on a lake in mosquito
> infested woods. I asked the vet he saw last summer if this was a possibility
> and though she did not test for it gave him revolution. At that time he had
> a bad URI which the cough was very severe, just like the one he had the day
> he died, but instead of dying he just coughed spastically. It knocked him
> off his feet. It would explain his sudden death. He did test a faint
> positive on the snap test but never really had symptoms nor did he catch
> Junior's last URI.
> Right now Daisy is crying out pitifully. In the mist of my Feline
> Luekemia crisis last fall, I had to put off her spaying. I advised the
> shelter I got her from of what was going on so they did not bug me for the
> papers. ITwo weeks ago I called a low cost clinic to schedule her spaying
> and they  called back. Ususally you get an appointment in a week or two,
> this time it was over a month. So Now I have to wait until Feb. 27 to get
> her fixed in the meantime, she is coming in heat. What a royal pain.  I have
> always gotten my females fixed before their first heat.
> OK the waether is making me think too much.
> Thanks everyone for your support. This is the best group.
> Sally, Junior, Daisy, Grey and White, Spike, Lily, Ittle Bitty, Little
> Black, Silver, Speedy
> --
> Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
> www.geocities.com/dmyllas/sally_page.html
> please help us if you can
> https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=puttyrat%40k6az.com

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

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