Sorry again folks, this is the answer to Wendy's mail of yesterday,
I am losing my pieces along the road... I hope this can be of some
interest to everybody, of course.

>Is Rompi's surgery to remove the mass, or to just take a look?

Wendy, Rompi's surgery would be (hopefully) intended to remove the
mass, BUT, should the mass turn out to be located on the pancreas
OR on the ileocaecal valve, they will be unable to remove it safely,
and in this case the mass would be left there (but they would pick up
a sample anyway, for biopsy).

>Michelle is our resident lymphoma expert. 
>She's really knowledgeable on the matter.

I believe you, but now I prefer to leave Michelle in peace with the
troubles she's having already...

>Have you looked into chemo for Rompi?  What about epogen for the anemia?

Rompi is NOT anemic, luckily! His blood panel is that of a 1-year old cat,
and FIV-/FeLV-... not even fleas. At least! (I subscribed to Feline Anemia
group at the time when we were struggling against Frizzina's anemia, that
would have eventually killed her... but Frizzina was FeLV+)

We talked about chemo yesterday, even because vet's own cat had chemo and
a lymphoma removed 3 years ago (still alive and happy), but not in depth
due to lack of further info on what's going on "inside". I have a personal
list of items for the times to come: nutrition supplements (L-Lysine, DMG
and Omega3-EPA-DHA on top), and I would like to try Acemannan as a general
support (but not intended to replace chemo).

Oh, I wish to take advantage of this mail to ask you two more things.

The first one is (again) on Yahoo groups: have those of you that are
members of Feline Anemia the possibility to scroll a MEMBERS LIST?...
Just to see if I show up there, who knows...

The second one is about the 10-days period between surgery and the
removal of stitches. The vet indicated, as an alternative to the evil
plastic gorget (here in Italy it is called "Elizabethan collar", don't
know in the USA but for sure you know what I am talking about), to use
a wool or cotton "sleeve" to protect his abdomen, like a vest or "shirt",
but with "sleeves", because without something to pass his front legs
through, he would push down the edge quite easily. I would absolutely
prefer this solution because the Elizabethan collar would keep Rompi
from eating, drinking, grooming, and just resting.

Do you have any experience with the "shirt"? Any photo to share?
Any suggestion?....

Thank you to everybody

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