I now have Junior on Transfer factor Plus. Time will tell if it is helpful.
I like to think it will help him. He is somewhat stable except for the eye
problem. He sees very little right now. He is figuring his was around the
house and venture out of my bedroom often. I take that for a sign he at
leasts feels better. Althiugh I know glaucoma is painful he shows no sign of
discomfort in that eye. Maybe because of the prior nerve damage. My Fluffy
had glaucoma from an eye injury and he let me know it did not feel good.
That is when I decided to have the eye removed. I pretty much have decided
it is the right thing for junior. I just want himat his best if he is to
have surgery. I am hoping the Transfer Factor will build up his immune
systen and help clear the infection in the other eye.
Junior fights me now when he sees me coming. He does not want the eye
ointments! He hates it. I take that as a sign he feels better. He is not
grooming much, but he is eating a bit better. I upgraded his Catfood. HIs
Lysine and Transfer Factor get mixed in the morning dose.

I am sorry to hear about Lucy. She looks much like my Spike who thank
goodness is neagtive for FELV. She had been vaccinated many years ago by me
and then again last fall. I am still praying for you and Lucy.

TIme to torture Junior....

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

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