I don't know the answer to that.   I have had cats die from dry FIP but not 
wet.  The conversation I had with my vet about the wet version was when I was 
at his clinic in the "back" - he was working off and on on some of our rescue 
group's cats and a kitty was brought back to have fluid drawn from her abdomen 
-- it was that awful straw color that gives you the diagnosis you never want to 
hear - I will never forget that color.   

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:        yes, you are probably right.  It is possible to 
keep draining it, but how many times do you do that? as long as they are still 
eating? I don't know. But you probably are right.
  In a message dated 1/30/2007 4:27:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
    As I understand it, with wet FIP unless fluid is continually drained it 
will begin to accumulate in the abdominal cavity and begin to squeeze out the 
lungs so that breathing becomes harder and harder -- and the cat essentially 
suffocates.   I think that is why all wet FIP kitties are euthanized.  I may be 
wrong but I think that is how my vet described it.
  Keeping you and Lucy in my prayers.  She has such a lot of spirit.


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