Right now, I am (trying to) deal with my Puma's  diagnosis - FIP (dry) AND 
toxo.......... The vet I use I  really like, and have much faith in him.....  
went over the "specific"  test results, and, I kind of DO believe him...
When I got home from hosp., my Puma was just not  right.......
He was eating & drinking MUCH....... Also, sleeping a lot. (But, heck,  he IS 
17+ so the excessive sleeping I thought, went along with his advanced  
age....)  He also had loose stools, very vocal, but not in a painful  tone, 
ear infections that NOTHING would  help.......  I thought, due to his age, it 
was probably kidney or  thyroid..... But, his kidney and thyroid tests came 
back  FINE.......
When I got the results of tests done (a gazillion), and vet said it was  toxo 
and FIP, I was floored!!!!!
Years ago, I did have an FIP epidemic in my home while fostering, lost TWO  
of my babies (confirmed thru necropsies...), and I wonder just how long  FIP 
can go undetected...(???))
I didn't know much about toxo, and all my furbabies are indoor  only....... 
So, I DO wonder just how my Puma got it. (???)  I  no longer foster for 
shelter, and all my new "rescues" are upstairs in the  master bedroom and 
 So, he was NOT exposed to any new cats......
Anyway, Puma was given clindo and prednisone,also daily sub-q  fluids, and I 
swear, he is doing so much better......Still has the "ear  problems" 
I just know that since he started on both meds, he's so much  better....
(I only pray that when his time comes, he goes peacefully in his sleep. I  
have promised ALL my furbabies I will never let them suffer...... That's the  
least I can do for them, as they have done SOOO much for me.  I swear, they  
the reason I survived my MVA, because I "needed them"..... What can I  say?  
I prefer non-humans over humans....)
All I know is it was the clindo & pred that did improve his  "symptoms"...... 
In fact, I no longer have to give him daily sub-q fluids.
Wish I could help you out with more "specifics", but I can only relate to  my 
Puma's experience....
Best wishes, good luck and
   for both you and Bandit

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