I've been praying for Lucy and visualizing her healthy. I've also been looking over various bits of FIP info on the web. I've come across references to pentoxifylline (Trental made by Aventis Pharmaceuticals). I was unable to find a reference to Trental in recent digests, so I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about it. If you're interested, Google "pentoxifylline FIP."


On Feb 2, 2007, at 7:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

oh my, my vet. Well, my vet probably really wishes I would stop asking him these questions every day. My vet thinks there is no way to figure out what is happening, and that I should just decide on something and he will give me the meds. He is very accommodating, but not very decisive. He think she has wet fip, he thinks there is not all that much to do, he is surprised she has been eating to date, he has never heard of some of the stuff I have had him order to put her on (feline interferon) and has never used other stuff (epogen) and I think that he thinks I am trying to solve something without a solution.

I was gradually tapering her until yesterday-- she was down to 10 mg/day. And she seemed way more lethargic. Which is why I decided to go the other way and gave her the dex. Now I am going back to 12.5 mg/day of prednisolone and seeing if that helps.

She is up at the top of the cat tree again, though she needed some help to get to the top rung this time because her belly is so big it's hard for her to pull herself up there. I am surprised she is up there, because earlier she was so exhausted just from going to the litterbox that she laid down on her way back to take a break. She is eating some again, thank God, but not nearly as much as she was pre-dex. And I can not measure it anymore, because she is only interested in freshly opened jars of baby food today, and then only eats a little, so I have many open jars with a little bit gone and no idea how much she has eaten. I would guess maybe one jar full. Normally by this time of night she has been eating 2 or 2.5 jars full. But at least she is eating something. I syringed her a little food as well with herb tinctures I just got from Robert MacDowell in Australia, and she did not seem to mind so much, so maybe I should syringe her more, I don't know. I hate to bother her so much. she is very purry again, though. I really love her.

thanks for asking,

In a message dated 2/2/2007 8:06:13 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: You can always gradually taper off. What does your vet say? How is Lucy doing this evening?


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