Praying for you and for Lucy.  Love to you both.



 Well, as of last night she will not eat at all.  She was hardly eating
since I gave her the dex shot the night before, I think because it unmasked
her URI and her nose got congested.  I have a vicks vaporizer on for that,
used nose drops, gave lysine, etc. but it is not clearing up this time. But
she was eating a little. I then gave her denosyl for the third night in a
row.  And I think it made her nauseous, because she has not eaten a thing
since and and she looked bad for about an hour afterwards. I looked it up
and it can cause vomiting, apparently-- don't know how I missed that the
first time. The second night I think it may have made her temporarily
nauseous as well, but I thought it was the feline interferon.  The result is
that she is not eating at all now.  I did syringe her a little (about 20 cc'
baby food) last night. But she hated it.

I don't know what to do. She probably has wet fip.  I had told myself I
would not torture her by force feeding her when she is terminal anyway.  But
I don't know now. What if she really is not eating just because her nose is
stuffed up from the dex? Monday will be week 2 of epogen and feline
interferon-- what if they started working? It is all doubtful.  I do not
want her last days to be full only of needles, pills, and forced feedings. I
also don't want her to die early because of a stuffed up nose, if that is
what is going on.

what to do?

Please pray for her.


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