Thank you ALL for your replies....  You are all SO caring&  wonderful!!!!!
As of today, my Charity is eating very well, using litter box, allowing me  
to stroke her, purring.......
She really seems very content,
Now Bart, well, besides being so bloated, he is NOT eating (much).   When I 
went out to barn to feed, water & clean his crate, I noticed that  he's a 
pretty good "deciever" -   He has been "hiding" his food.......  Under all his 
blankets, under his bed.......  And, he's NOT eating much of  his dry food 
(EVO).......  No wonder he's so skinny, but  WHY?????  He did have some very 
firm feces in his  litter box, so he must be eating a very small amount of  
I am really, really worried about him....... The sooner I can get him to  vet 
& get "answers", well, I'll go from there.
Apparently, he is VERY old.  Just "how" old we'll never know for  sure.
But, he let me stroke him, seemed to enjoy it.   Kept coming back  for 
more......  Hard to believe that when I first "encountered" him, he was  
one of the meanest ferals I'd ever come across.....
(And, I have a "history" of working w/ ferals, many success stories.   Maybe 
he's one more.  I just hope it's NOT because he's so sick....)
And, since we're in this deep-freeze, I did my best to insulate the barn  
more....... It can't be too bad  in barn, cause his water didn't  freeze 
solid.... So, I put some "thermal thingys" under his bowls to try to  prevent 
Another thing I noticed today, was that the dry food in their outside  
feeding station was all gone...... So I guess I have more strays/ferals relying 
me..... Naturally, I did fill the bowl.......With this weather, 5 (FIVE)  
degrees, the poor babies need the food........
I'm just really worried about Bart...... Bloating, skinny, not  eating.......
At least I know he's in a nice warm bed, and there is plenty of food (in  
case he decides to eat).
Need to get to vet ASAP!!!!   Even if I have to cancel one of my  MANY Dr. 
appts. I am at some health care place every day, except Wed. &  Fri.  And, 
I'm not making any progress, it's only natural (for me),  that a furbaby's 
needs take precedence.......
I only wish I could save them all......
Again, thanks to ALL of you!   This has always  been such a supportive 
group.... I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Patti & her ever-growing clan


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