Cats either have toxo or they don't, take you cats to the vet and have them 
if they are negative, no worries, don't feed them raw meat while you are preggo 
they could become infected. Likewise, don't HANDLE raw meat either without 
gloves and
don't walk around outside in the yard or gardens with bare feet or open 
sandals. And,
lastly, if your cats are positive, then just wear good long rubber (dishwashing 
gloves when you clean the litterboxes, at least until their treatment is done 
they test negative. Though certainly, wearing gloves while doing the litterboxes
would be extra careful even for negative cats, so you may just want to wear the
gloves regardless of their test results. You're actually MORE likely to get 
toxo from
meat and walking barefoot than from a cat box. FELV has absolutely NO effect on 
and makes no difference at all. ALL cats should be tested or presumed positive 
human pregnancy is concerned, even FELV negative cats.

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