Hi debbie

Here is wishing you luck with the testing.

I was not as lucky as others inthe group I wound up with 3 of 11 cats
positive. I am down to one positive at this time. He is symptomatic, but
doing ok right now. He sees the Vet Friday and will probably get vaccinated
unless the thing with his ears is an infection. I am hoping it is an
infection bc it could be something much worse. His ears do feel hot from
time to time and he looks like a Scottish Fold cat bc the ears are bent
forward. This is not normal for him. All my positive were yellow cats. I
wonder too about genetics. Only two of the cats were ralated. Half brothers.



On 3/6/07, Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Am taking our 14 cats in tonight to be tested for FELV. This was after we
had Elsa put to sleep because of fluid in her lungs and her testing
Wish us luck. I don't know what to expect. I'd like to think no one else
will test positive, but I doubt that will be the case. All the cats are
around the same age (3-4 yrs). Different litters though. Has a genetic
factor to this disease ever been found?

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