I think I am really lucky all mine eat the "medium end" dry food.

Suzie does like to steal my chicken and cheese quesadillas right out of my
hand, though:).

I've never seen them refuse any sort of canned food - Felidae or the cheap
stuff.  I do save the cheap stuff (which I get donated a lot) for inappetant
cats.  If they get URI sometimes Friskies moist will get them to eat when
nothing else will:)

On 3/16/07, Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Most of my brood eat primarily canned food (and people food), with dry
food always available for snacking.  The only cats I have ever seen devour
the expensive "high quality" canned food were half-starved new arrivals.
They had come from such awful circumstances that they would have eaten paint
off the walls too.

Say what you want about Friskies canned, but I have two who will eat
nothing else.  At least Sylvia (found last spring skinny as a rail and
hugely pregnant) will eat dry food in a pinch but she would rather live on
Friskies shredded turkey and cheese in gravy.  Marie, one of my own cats,
lives off of the Friskies Prime Fillets in gravy.  She's 9 years old and has
refused all other forms of cat food, including dry, her entire life....but
she will eat chicken, turkey, tuna, meat baby food, asparagus, Chinese
take-out curried chicken...you get the idea.

Everyone (except Marie, of course) likes Kirkland dry, several varieties
of Purina dry, Science Diet, Iams, Eukanuba, Chicken Soup for the Cat
Lover's Soul.  If I were to feed only one brand of dry, I woiuld go with the
Chicken Soup variety.  Read the label.  In terms of quality and nutrition,
it's good stuff.  And they like it.

I supplement with a lot of people food....usually one meal a day is people
food.  In November and December I cooked a turkey every other weekend.  It's
cheap that time of year (a 20 pound turkey cost about the same as a case of
Friskies canned at Wallmart), they love it, it's good for them, and if I put
it in on Friday night before going to bed and cooked it at around 200
degrees, I woke up to a warm house and salivating cats.  I look for boneless
skinless chicken breasts on sale for 1.99 a pound, buy 4-pound cans of
tuna and salmon from a discount grocery.

If there's something they like -- like Marie Callendar brand rice,
chicken, cheese and broccoli casserole (for Little Sister Fuzzy Toes, a true
gourmand who also likes fruit pastries, cheese filled coffee cake, bagels
with or without cream cheese) or chicken and cheese quesadillas (for Selma)
or pureed sweet potatos (Bandida) they get it from time to time.  (We had
quite a run on pumpkin cheese cake around here when the discount grocery got
a ton of it after the holidays.)

My personal cats tend to live to be around 18 years old.  The fosters
plump up nicely, get over any issues of food aggression quickly, and
socialize well.  So I must be doing something right.  Never had any cases of
diabetes or gout.  And if I tried to switch them to a primary diet of
high-end dry food they would probably kill me in my sleep.  Or pee in my
shoes for revenge.  So I think I'll just keep catering to their tastes and
keep the peace.

*Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

Isn't that the truth. We have cats that I can put tuna in front of and
they won't touch it. Then we had the one who would only eat the Wal Mart
brand Albacore tuna. When we were bottle feeding we had a horrible time with
some of them - they would still be drinking ONLY KMR if allowed. I remember
mixing home made formula (evaportaed milk, baby cereal, egg yolk, with a
drop of corn syrup) - most loved it but some refused to get near it.
We have one cat on S/O 9prescription diet) for urinary tract
infection. The vet told us to put one of the others on it also. Patches
almost died. She stopped eating altogether. It took us forever to get her
eating again. She went anorexic. With using the abacore tuna and Friskies
Pacific Salmon - she is now back up to 10 pounds and doing great.

-----Original Message-----
From: Belinda
Sent: Mar 16, 2007 1:42 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: any other catfood suggestions

   And then you have those cats that simply WILL NOT eat the "good stuff",
I can beg until I'm blue in the face, I have a few who will eat anything BUT
I have a couple who will stop eating if I only put down the "good stuff",
they just won't have it.  I make the change gradually, teaspoon at a time in
their regular food, I've even had them eat it for a while after taking
months to get them switched over and then suddenly they just refuse to eat
it any more.  I've gotten my group off Fancy Feast 3 times in the last
several years but they ALWAYS eventually quit eating the "good stuff" and
after a few days of them not eating they get their Fancy Feast back.  I'm
not happy about but I know all too well the dangers of not eating and I
ain't going there!!!

I have to disagree with some of the below. It is nice to want to feed your
cats the very best, however circumstances beyond some peoples control make
that impossible.

--     Belinda  happiness is being owned by cats ...    Be-Mi-Kitties  
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