Thank you so much for keeping us posted - so glad you have some good news.
All good thoughts and prayers to you and Slinky.

On 3/17/07, Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi again!  The hospital just called and said the transfusion is done and
he's doing well.  HALLELUJAH!!!!  It took 5 hours - a little longer than
usual cuz they went slowly, but it went well.  They said his gums are a
little pinker and his heart rate and breathing are strong.  His temp was a
little high (103 - which after 106 is NOTHING!), but they're running an IV
with ice water to bring it down.  They said he's been munching on his food a
bit (yay!) and he has water and they're giving him fluids.  He looks good
and is stable.  :)

I told them I might call if I wake up and they gave me the name of the
doctor who'll be with him tonight.  I told the tech to give him a kiss for
me and she said she'd be back in the morning and looks forward to seeing

Too early to know how much it's helped, but they'll run another CBC in the
morning and we'll go from there.  I plan to at least stop in on my way to
church...and may stay depending on how he's doing.  Maybe I could even take
him home after church if he's doing well.  :)

Re: my family.  Yes, they are AMAZING!!!!  My "real" dad (biological, the
one i lived with growing up) does think I"m crazy!  I haven't told him yet
that I did the transfusion but he kept saying that i should save the money
for my next cat!  GEESH!!!  But this "chosen dad" really gets it and really
wanted to help.  He's always been there when I've needed him most!

I'm just SO RELIEVED to know he's doing well!!!  I think I might actually
sleep tonight - for the first time in 3 nights!  He's a fighter and it looks
like he's gonna win this one!  I hope it will buy us much more time
together, and time to figure out some other strategies.

This hospital is incredible - they have 17 vets on staff not counting
specialists, techs, and the wellness team!  And they really seem on top of
the care and are very sensitive to the owners - kept preparing me for seeing
him in isolation with a gown on, etc. and made sure to call and update me.
So I'm thankful to have a great hospital, incredible family, and one AMAZING
furbaby!!!  Be encouraged: miracles DO happen!  Praise God!!  :)

Thanks again for all your support!  Hang in there everyone.

Hugs for all the fur kids!


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