
I am reading this thread and I know you are in pain over the situation. I
wish you well. You are an angel for doing your best. I am doing my best as
well. Even if I had unlimited funds, I don't know how much it would change
the outcome here.

I do not know what you are going through as I cannot walk in your shoes or
even pretend to walk in your shoes. I will pray for strength to get you
though this. I wish I could help with Chief. I live in VA, but I do not have
resources to treat another cat. I sometimes think my Tiny left me so Junior
could get more treatment. Both cats were being treated with Immunoregulin.

Take care...


On 3/17/07, Stephanie E Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've offered anyone to email me privately to learn more about my
situation. Instead you choose to belittle and question me on a public list.

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