
I currently get Interferon for my FeLV+ kitty, Shane, from Pet Health
Pharmacy in Youngtown, Arizona <http://www.pethealthpharmacy.com/>. The
dilution is 30 IU/ml. I give 1 ml. orally once daily for seven days, every
other week (seven days on/seven days off). The instructions on the label are
as follows: 

"If using immediately (liquid), store in refrigerator. Expires in one month.
If storing, keep in freezer. Expires in six months."

According to this, even when frozen it has a limited shelf life (six

Since, on the seven days on/seven days off schedule, I would never use up
the entire prescription within one month, here is what works for me. When I
receive the prescription (30 mls.), I split it into four small plastic
bottles and put 7 mls. in each and freeze them (that leaves me with two
doses in the original bottle). The day before each weekly dosing schedule
begins, I thaw one of the 7 ml. bottles in the refrigerator. Each day I use
a syringe to draw up 1 ml. for that day's dose. My vet furnished the small
plastic bottles for free.

Prior to getting the Interferon from Pet Health Pharmacy, I used a local
(much more expensive!) pharmacy that dispensed it in individual dose
syringes. Their instructions were to keep it frozen until ready to use, then
thaw out a week's worth (seven syringes) at a time in the refrigerator.

Each pharmacy seems to have a slightly different way of dealing with
Interferon. I don't know why Island Pharmacy says not to freeze it once it's
diluted as that contradicts what the two pharmacies I've dealt with have
said to do.

I hope this helps.

Sue and Shane
Jerome, AZ

>On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 16:57:04 -0600 "C & J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: Re: Questions on Interferon

> Hmm I was planning on buying lots of syringes to freeze, but now i'm not
> sure what to do.  I'll maybe have to call my vet about it, but I don't think
> she's very familiar with Interferon, so i'm not sure she would know.
> If it isn't supposed to be frozen, and lasts 90 days, i'll have to get
> smaller quantities than 500ML, which would take me a year to use.

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