Cats usually do pretty well in large enough covered carriers to include a small litterbox, bed, food and water. There was a good bit of discussion about car travel with cats on the list a while back. Lots of feliway, RR, soft music etc. Have you tried searching the archives? I can't remember all the suggestions, but a lot of them made good sense. Has Ki ever spent any time in confinement? It might help to start feeding him in the carrier he will be traveling in to get him used to feeling safe and comfortable in there.

Deep breaths Dede! This must be so stressful for you, but I'm sure you'll do everything in your power to make the transition as smooth and safe as possible. It really sucks that you are already getting grief from your new neighbor! Maybe this person can be reached with lots of cajoling. It's usually the lonely, powerless feeling individuals that make trouble for others. Could it be that she is really concerned about the welfare of the cats? If so, it shouldn't take you long to convince her that they are well taken care of. Whatever her "concerns", find a way to soothe her ego and perhaps she'll get whatever she needs to leave you the heck alone.

Blessings on the move and the new locale!

dede hicken wrote:
We will be making our move on April 21st.  I plan to
have Ki in  the van with me and the others with
medical issues.  He will be in a carrier by himself.

Any ideas on how I can minimize the stress?  He will
be a yr old in April.  Has had no problems, and is
still a slight +.  I have really gotten attached to
this little guy.  We will travel 600 mi the first day,
and 500 the next.  I will spend the night in the van.
(THAT outta be fun!)  The rest of the cats will be in
a 36' travel trailer.

Just pray for us, guys.  I want all of 'em there in
one piece, and healthy.  AND i want to get them into
the house without my idiot neighbor seeing us.  (she
has already contacted the codes guy, and said she
"thinks" we are moving tons of cats, just 40!

I have gotten hold of the law, and there isn't really
much they can do.  My guys do NOT run the
neighborhood, and they are all vetted.  Geez, i wish
people would mind their own business!


"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of 
your God"
                   Mosiah 2:17

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