We are back from the vet's office.  I am very glad we went.

Last year, when I first took Mama Kitty in and found out that she was FeVL+,
she weighed about 7lbs.  She was so anemic that they didn't want to take her
blood.  She had no fever and so they thought this was a very grave situation
because her body wasn't even fighting and they recommended that we say
goodbye.  After steroids, antibiotics, vitamin B12 and Acemannan, she was
like a new kitty...even playing with her toys and chasing the laser.

Mama Kitty has had a bit of a crash today, however.  She didn't even protest
when I put her in the pet taxi - so I know she did not feel well.  She had a
temperature of 104.  Weighed 9lbs.  She was dehydrated.

They did a full blood panel on her - she is very anemic.  When they picked
her up to weigh her, she 'leaked' some very concentrated urine and so they
aspirated her bladder and did a urinalysis too.  Her liver enzymes are
slighly elevated but they didn't seem to think that was serious.

They gave her fluids, a Vitamin B12, a Benz-Dex shot, and an antibiotic shot
(all in one so she only got stuck once) and then they called the compounding
pharmacy and got them to make a transdermal gel of doxycycline and
prednison.  They ordered the Acemannan while I was there and it should be
here in a couple of days.

I have some conflicting stats here -- the vet told me that her
hematacrit(sp) was about 17 and a half - but this printout I have says HTC
is 10.6%.  I sure hope this print-out is wrong.  I know they ran the test
more than once.  They also tested again for FeVL+ has she has a faint
positive.  Her RBC is 2.35LR1 (normal is 5-11)...Hb is 4.6L (normal is
8-15).  Her white blood cell counts are moderately low.

It isn't what you want to hear but I do think we are far better off than we
were when I took her in last summer.  The fluids made her feel a little
better and she ate a few bites of chicken hearts and liver.  The vet
recommended that I try to encourage her to eat.  He wanted to give her Pet
Tinnic but there is just no way that Mama Kitty will tolerate that.

I am very glad that my vet is willing to help in any way he can.  He's come
a long way from recommending that Mama be PTS last summer.  She's had a
wonderful quality of life since the Acemannan and I am hoping we can help
her through this rough spot.

She's resting comfortably now and is perkier than when I took her in this
afternoon.  She's getting love of love.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers.
elizabeth and Mama Kitty

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