No, I don't think you made that word up.  lol. 
Necropsy means dead tissue.  Or the dying of tissue. 
Something like that.  The only reason I know this is
because I had a breast cancer scare this past summer,
and the spot on the mammogram turned out to be
necropsied tissue, probably from an old sports injury.
 I was relieved that's all it was.

My husband is the pet whisperer, I've decided.  He
finds lost animals.  It's the most uncanny thing. 
Tonight our neighbor's dogs got out, and they couldn't
find them.  So after we ate dinner, my husband says
out of the blue that he'd like to try to go find the
dogs, and I'll be damned if we didn't find them in our
car within five minutes.  The back of my car is very
muddy, but I don't care.  I'm so happy they are home. 


--- elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I sure am!  Thanks, Wendy.
> Mama is inside now in her favorite chair.  I let her
> sit on the porch until
> past dark -- she just loves all the sights, sounds,
> and scents.  She was an
> outdoor kitty for so long...I'm assuming before she
> lived here and for the
> longest after she took up residence here.
> The first time she started living inside -- she'd
> had a terrible bite from a
> feral...I'm thinking this may be how she got FeVL+
> in the first place.  She
> had to have two surgeries...her incision had a drain
> out of either end of
> the incision with the first operation...then she had
> to have the second
> surgery because some of the tissue had necrotized
> (did I just make up that
> word?).  We (vet's office and I) had a devil of a
> time even identifying the
> points of the bite in the first place until it got
> very infected.  A big
> ordeal for her and for me.
> She learned to live inside at that time because she
> just felt so bad - and
> she knew I was taking care of wasn't for
> several months that she
> had her first crash and we learned that she had
> FeVL+.
> She's being a good sport about spending her days
> indoors.  When she is
> healthy, I don't mind having her sun on the porch
> all day.  She won't leave
> the porch except to visit the mulch around the roses
> (strictly on kitty cat
> business)...but in her state now - I would never
> forgive myself if one of
> the neighborhood dogs tried to harass her .  She
> simply would not be able to
> defend herself in such a weakened state.  Yesterday
> and today she really
> hasn't had much strength to sit upright...though I
> did see her sit up a
> couple of times this afternoon which is a big
> improvement from yesterday.
> She's taking it all in stride.  I may be wacko (yeah
> -- I know) - but
> somehow it seems that she understands why things are
> this way.  She's very
> alert tonight and very vocal - which is encouraging.
>  I am so glad that the
> inside 'pride' is not giving her a hard time (read
> as 'shakiti' is minding
> his manners!'.)  LOL  This could change at any
> moment though....boys will be
> boys, I suppose.
> Hangin' in...
> elizabeth and mama kitty
> On 3/21/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Thank goodness that Mama Kitty's fever is gone! 
> So
> > happy that Mama Kitty is doing better!!!  I know
> you
> > are too!
> >
> > :)
> > Wendy
> >
> > --- elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Mama Kitty and I just got home from the vet's
> > > office.  The Acemannan came in
> > > (less than 24 hours - that was very good).
> > >
> > > I knew Mama was feeling a bit better this
> afternoon
> > > because she did put up
> > > some protest about going to the vet's today. 
> They
> > > took her temperature and
> > > her fever is gone!  She got more fluids today.
> > >
> > > She was more vocal today -- that is much more
> like
> > > her.  Instead of taking
> > > us to one of the patient rooms - they took us
> > > straight back to where they do
> > > procedures and surgery.  I've been going there a
> > > long time so I guess they
> > > know I'm not going to get in the way.  Dr. Reid
> is a
> > > wonder about giving
> > > those shots that go through the skin and
> directly
> > > into the stomach.  The vet
> > > tech holds her standing up and he does the shot.
>  My
> > > doctor said that
> > > actually a shot like this is less painful than
> one
> > > that goes under the skin
> > > -- he explained about why and the nerves in the
> > > skin, etc.
> > >
> > > We're scheduled every Wednesday for the next
> month
> > > or so to come in for one
> > > of these shots.
> > >
> > > Maybe it is my imagination - but I could swear
> that
> > > by the time we got home
> > > - Mama was feeling even better.  The first thing
> she
> > > did was have a few
> > > bites of salmon.
> > >
> > > Dr. Reid is concerned about her drinking enough
> > > water so I will be keeping
> > > an eye on that.  He recommends making ice cubes
> from
> > > chicken stock (not the
> > > low sodium kind) put the ice cube in a
> bowl
> > > or plate for them.  They
> > > can play with it - but also they won't drink it
> too
> > > fast.  My understanding
> > > is that the sodium in the broth makes them more
> > > thirsty and so they will
> > > drink more water.  (I don't think you should use
> > > stock that is made with
> > > onions because anything from the allium family
> is
> > > taboo for kitties).
> > >
> > > So - thanks for everyone who sent well wishes
> and
> > > thought of us.  I am
> > > cautiously optimistic.  Mama Kitty is on the
> porch
> > > sunbathing (since mean
> > > ol' mommy made her stay inside today while she
> was
> > > away).  We'll keep you
> > > posted.
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peek at the
> forecast
> > with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.
> >
> >
> >

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