sending lots of loving GLOW to both of you to find the right path through
this one....

hopefully it is just the meds needing adjustment and he'll be back to his
own self very soon!


On 3/22/07, Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    Hi All,
  Fred my CRF furkid is having some problems, I took him in to the vet
last night because he gave out a meow that sounded like nothing he has
ever done before and when he tried to stand and walk he did about a half
turn and then plopped back to the rug and his front feet were
twitching.  He's been twitching off and on for a while.

He's been on Norvasc for high blood pressure for a while but apparently
his dose is no longer high enough, his BP was 230 at the vets
yesterday.  I called the vet in while he was twitching and she is very
concerned about his BP, she told me to give him double his dose when I
got home, he had already had his usual dose that morning.  Then she said
to give his regular dose in this AM and another dose in the afternoon
today.  He will get double what he's been getting from now on.

I didn't feed or mess with him the rest of the night yesterday, and he
twitched off and on all night.  He was very unsteady on his feet and
slept for the most part.  This morning he is not himself still.  He is
not as unsteady and not twitching that I've noticed yet but seems very
slow and just looks like he doesn't feel good.  I gave him his
metachloprimide and am going to feed him shortly, I'm going to wait and
give him his BP med close to the time the vet opens so if I have to run
him down they will be open, they open at 6:30AM, it's 6AM now.

Please pray that whatever is going on, hopefully it is just his BP and
the increased BP meds will control it, if not, that whatever it is we'll
figure it out and can help him feel better.  He looks the worse he ever
has since this all started.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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