I haven't had time to read all the posts, but I'm starting to, and it's
comforting to know there are others out there like all of you!


I'm so sorry about all the losses I read on here. Marissa, I hope a
beautiful kitty finds you soon. I'll be thinking of you. I only wish there
were people like you around here to take on my newest kitties.


I know that I've been strongly encouraged to mix my household, but I just
can't-at least not yet. You all have so much experience, and I'm just
starting out, just learning about FeLV, and I'm such a doubter-I've been
taught to question everything-so I have a hard time trusting.I have all
these worries about endangering my other cats. I can hear all the success
stories, but it still doesn't change things. If Smokey (less than one year)
were older, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Maybe in the future I'll
consider it, but I hope to have a sanctuary by then anyway for FeLVs and


But, with good news.I chose to put Cassidy (FeLV+) in my office with me
since that's where I spend most of the time. Oh the joys of having a litter
box in a small, warm room! But, I'm not sure if he's even used it yet! He's
been eating very nicely since we got home today, so I expect some treats by


He's still pretty tired after his neuter-and he spends the majority of the
time at my feet under the desk all curled up. He talks every once in a while
to let me know he's there! How precious! It sounds as if he'll be with us
for a while since most FeLV sanctuaries/rescues require another IFA in 3
months for confirmation before they'll take him in. I won't get his IFA
results (only Elisa so far) back until next week. But, he's doing really
well-quite the talker. His lion-cut is adorable, and I'm sure he feel so
much better without that snarly fur. My other three cats in the house are
upset that they don't get to hang out in their favorite room! 


But, not so good news.Ashley (FeLV neg.), the stray who found me the day
after Cassidy, also came home today. She was spayed yesterday and is just
not moving around as much as I thought she would. I had to put her in the
garage. I was going to put Cassidy in there, but he has a problem paw, so I
thought the cement would be bad for it. Well, Ashley liked the garage fairly
well when she stayed the first night-found herself a nice place to nest on
my husband's work coats near a window. Today I covered the coats with a
furry blanket-an Alpaca one I got in Peru and was saving for special-but
who's more special then these guys? Then I also put a little pet-safe space
heater in the garage for her. It's still pretty chilly here in Nebraska. She
cried through the door a little today, and that was heartbreaking, but it's
for the best.


The vet had suggested that Ashley stay quarantined for 60 days until she has
another FeLV test to be sure she's still neg. He also thought that she
should be isolated since she could be carrying other things. I'm very
worried about her upper respiratory. She was sneezy when I first got
her--now she seems to have some respiratory problems--wheezy and
phlegmy-sounding. I heard the girls (vet techs?) at the vet's office talking
to him about her nose, etc., and I heard him say something about some cats
can have severe respiratory infections, but then when he came in the room,
he never said anything to me. I'm going to call tomorrow and see if I need
to give Ashley anything for that. I've never had cats with anything more
than routine issues, so I'm sorry if I sound dumb--I'm new to this-I've had
to learn so much just this week!


I was also worried because the vet girls were looking at me in a way I was
not comfortable with (not like I smell), but they looked like they knew
something I didn't. I don't understand why they wouldn't send me home with
something for Ashley's nose, etc., I picked up antibiotics for my other cat,
Bandit, who gets abscesses all the time from the littlest scratch. 


I'm glad I've finally embraced my passion and found my calling. Now it's
time to plan for the future and more room for cats (and kids too I hope).
This week I've heard so many negative comments about saving cats that I just
stopped telling people about my new kitties. Some people's comments
surprised me, some didn't. But, I'm glad I have you guys to talk to so I
don't feel so alone. I don't understand the lack of compassion-but I'm sure
you all know what that's like. It doesn't make any sense to me why people
can be so mean about cats. One of my closest friend said, "Well, I just
don't like how they're always rubbing up against me." She meant cats in
general-not just mine. And I thought, that's what makes them so great!
They're loving and they show it! I could go on and on, but you already know
all of this. It just feels nice to tell it to some people who agree.


Bless all of you for all you do! And thank you for the support!


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