Hi Melissa,

It is really my fault he pees.  He always, always used his litterbox
until I insisted on bringing a  LOT of animals into the house.

He's letting me know he's mad.:p

Flagyl is for diarrhea and giardia and maybe some other stuff in cats.
The generic name is metronidazole, I believe.  My understanding is
that it is very, very bitter.   My vet was surprised I could get
Flagyl pills down anyone.  I did get them down them, but my hands were
constantly clawed up.

Shimmer just doesn't want to take ANY pills.  I have other cats that
are much easier to pill.  Joey is not hard to pill at all.

I have had to give up some things ....like having people over ever...I
think we are going to work on a better solution...like a building with
TILE floors..and a drain in the middle....that would be my dream

There are so many tinies who just need a few weeks, or max of a few
months...then they are adopted almost right away...there's got to be
somewhere to stash them.


On 4/10/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kelly, I feel so bad for you after you've described your troubles—your cats
do much more random peeing than my Bandit used to. He only went in the heat
vent (very nice) or on top of it once we covered it with plastic and all
sorts of contraptions. I think I tried EVERYTHING before my vet suggested
the prozac. Like you, I found that Feliway was interesting to my cats, but
did nothing to their behavior. I'm so sorry that your babies are difficult
to pill. Bandit just opens up and swallows very obediently. Unlike yours, he
hears the bottle opening and usually comes into the kitchen—weird I know.
I'm not sure what his pills taste like, but he must be okay with them—or
else he's just very excited to please—plus he gets extra love and attention
when he takes his medicine—that could be why. You must be a very patient and
loving person to have dealt with so much trouble this long! I know how
exhausting and frustrating it can be! Plus, I'd find myself crawling around
the floor with my nose ridiculously sniffing the carpet J, very embarrassing
if anyone came over! But, I was relieved, if you could call it that, that my
cat only chose one place other than the litter box. I only pray it gets
better for you! Bless you for sticking it out! I had people tell me they
would have put down a cat that was doing what mine did! That's just

But, I also agree with you Nina about not listening to those who are not as
experienced—and I certainly am not experienced. I'm very new to medicating
cats—I've only recently had special needs with Bandit and then with the 3
rescues this week. I'm learning quite a bit. So, if anyone thinks what I am
doing is wrong—don't hesitate to let me know! I won't take it personally if
you don't take my ignorance personally! I'm trying to learn quickly. By the
way, what is this Flagyl?  Melissa

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Please help Joey!

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