This is true, one size doesn't fit all, (even though most of us feed that way). I was just thinking about that when I posted to the list with my turkey recipe. Gypsy needs the pure bran and pumpkin in her diet, but other kitties might not. You have to be careful about the calc/phos ratio for certain conditions etc. My suggestion would be to find a recipe you like and run it past your vet, (not that I have that much faith in vets for nutrition expertise). At least this way you'd get a second opinion about whether you are on the right track for your particular animals.

MC, any chance you might post a picture of yourself in your superhero spandex hostie uniform? I'd love to see it :-) .

TenHouseCats wrote:
they still haven't posted the formal transcript yet, so i'll pull a copy out of the ether (i get to do these things when i put on my spandex hostie uniform) and see if phaewyrn will stick it up on her site so we can all link to it...

HOWEVER, i will tell you what christie and all the books say--there are no generic recipes that are going to work. there are BASICS that you need to follow, but if you want a program that's gonna be nutritionally complete and healthy, you're gonna have to take the time to do the reading and take your own abilities and your critters' needs into account!


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