Debbie, I bet Nina meant that some people are superstitious or believe old
wives tales (bad luck if a black cat crosses your path, etc.). Funny that
this post occurred on Friday the 13th! Double superstitions! I just saw a
beautiful, silky, short hair all black cat roaming our back yard. I called
to it from our deck, but it had better things to do! I personally am not
superstitious about black cats, but I do throw spilled salt over my left
shoulder! :) Melissa

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Debbie
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: sweet kitty in sw Michigan needs help

out of curiosity - why would a cat have a strike against her for being
black? I'm curious.

-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Apr 13, 2007 4:24 PM
>Subject: sweet kitty in sw Michigan needs help
>Hi Nan,
>I took the liberty of changing the subject line of your post to better 
>indicate what it's about.  What a little love this girl sounds like!  
>Poor angel on her own with no front claws trying to get into the safety 
>a human's car.  It makes me want to go and scoop her up myself, (I won't 
>even mention that to Bruce or my overcrowded household).
>Who has the cat right now?  Has anyone posted flyers at the campground 
>in case she accidently became lost from her people?  Someone might be 
>heartbroken and looking for her as I type this.  Are you checking local 
>papers for lost ads?  Has someone posted a found ad in the paper near 
>where the campgrounds are?  They should also file a found report with 
>the local animal shelter and ask if anyone has reported her missing to 
>the shelter.
>She does have a strike against her because she's black, (I personally 
>love black cats), but she has quite a rescue story and that might help 
>to find her a home.  The very best to you and this sweet baby, please 
>let us know what happens to her.  Hey...  Wasn't there just someone very 
>nice on this list that was thinking about adopting a neg cat???  Who was 
>that?  Wasn't it Marissa??  Marissa, did you end up adopting more cats 
>Nan Gelman wrote:
>> hi all, 
>> It has been a while since I have posted to this site, but I need some
help is there anyone in southwest Michigan who would like to adopt a very
sweet all black female sprayed kitty cat. This kitty was found in a camp
grounds trying to get in to anyone's car that she could. She is about a year
old sprayed and front declawed. She tested negative for both FELV and FIV
She is very sweet and gentle. Please let me know asap. 
>> Thanks so much 
>> Nan 

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