> Hi Joe,
> I have seen several times on two different kitty
> 'sites' that some cats don't like Merrick, so don't
> be
> surprised if Stitch won't eat it.  I hope he does,
> because it's supposed to be good stuff, but if not,
> there's other good stuff out there.  BTW...I could
> use
> your advice in making weekly supplies of salad for
> myself...lol.  

Stitch seems to be enjoying the Merrick's just fine.
She sniffed at it a little the first time I put some
down and she was wolfing it down shortly thereafter.

As far as the "Iguana Salads", it was a good mix for
an Iguana, but probably not as appetizing for a human.

I usually made up a week's supply at a time and it
varied a little from week to week...   The usual mix
was a leafy green, usually collards, sometimes parsley
or dandelion greens, an "orange" veggie, usually
carrots or squash, and then string beans, parsnips and
some vitamin supplements mixed in on top of all that.

Into a blender they went.

Like I said, great for an Iguana, probably not a good
mix for us, even though many of the individual
ingredients could be tasty. :)

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