How neat!  I'd love to have one of those.  Sounds like you got a really good 

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hey guys, 

Just wanted to let you guys know that Roombie (our new
Roomba Sage for pet owners) went on it's maiden voyage
this morning. The kitties were somewhat alarmed at
first, but by the time it cleaned for 45 minutes and
docked itself, they weren't too concerned with it. 
Smookie ran over to it when it stopped and has been
trying to get the brushes out from underneath it. 
It's too cute. 

So far, Roombie did a bang-up job of vacuuming my tile
floors-the living room, kitchen, and eating area along
with the front entry way and hallway leading from
that. That's as far as it could go since all the
doors were shut along the hallway. I was very
surprised with how well it patterned itself while
cleaning. It got in and out of tight spaces. It even
tried to eat Smookie's feather toy, but I rescued it. 

We paid $219 for it at the irobot website, which is
the company that makes Roomba. A better deal than at
Linens and Things or Bed, Bath, and Beyond. They 
have a pretty decent special, which includes free
shipping, and a free home dock (normally $60); fairly
cheap for a Roomba. Normally, I am a very frugal
person, but I have bought three vacuum-cleaners in the
past few years at about $50 each at Walmart, and all
have died. Plus, I don't actually have to do the
vacuuming myself, so that itself was worth the extra
money. With the tile, as opposed to the carpet we had
that hid a lot of dirt, every speck of dirt shows up,
and I'm having to sweep every day as it is. So all in
all, I'm happy as of day one. We'll see after a month
or so if Roombie was worth it.


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