Tomi is in my prayers.  I hope by some miracle he'll pull through.

C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          I took Tomi to the vet today to have his PCV rechecked.  He's been 
lethargic again lately.  The PCV has gone down to 11 from 17 in the last week 
and a half.
  I just don't understand it.  After his transfusion, his blood count went up 
on its own from 13, to 17, then 19.  Now in the last few weeks, its gone down 
to 17, and now 11.
  I've been giving him prednisone again for the last week and a half, and now 
all the vet could suggest was to up his prednisone from 1 to 2 tablets a day.
  I guess his hemobartonella wasn't the only problem with his blood.  The vet 
says that its likely his bone marrow is shutting down, and she didn't think 
another transfusion would be worth it.
  I don't know what the heck else to do.  Maybe I should stop his interferon 
while giving him the prednisone.
  This is so hard, just when I had a glimmer of hope that he might actually 
pull through this, now my hope is pretty much gone :(  It's such a feeling of 
desperation to see him slowly getting worse, and not being able to do anything 
about it.

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