Great advice! As for the post about Ashley, she's not as sickly now, but her
one eye does run a little. I'll ask my vet for something tomorrow when I go
there. Thanks! Melissa



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Del H. Daniels
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy


Hotels may not allow for cats ... you choose a motel with an outdoor
entrance away from the main office and they will not know you have a kitty.
Play music.  I use an open wire dog crate large enough to litter box and
place to lay while in the motel, some of those motels have hidey holes where
it is difficult to get a hiding cat out, like behind the head of the bed!



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Melissa <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Lind 


Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:10 PM

Subject: RE: update on Cassidy


Thanks Del, I think each case is individual. I don't foresee any unusual
problems with transporting Cassidy since he's in excellent health other than
the difficulty that transporting any cat can have. My only problem is
financial. I can handle the transporting as incredible of an experience as
it might turn out to be! :-) Melissa 


PS. Do hotels allow for cats? I know many do for dogs, but I'm not sure
about cats. He's very vocal, so keeping him a secret could be difficult!



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Del H. Daniels
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy


Re transporting FeLV+ cats, I have and I would never hesitate to transport
any cat.  It's difficult to find people to transport cats, period!  



----- Original Message ----- 

From: TenHouseCats <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:44 AM

Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

great info and resources on what is involved in setting up a transport; if
you scroll down on the page, you'll find a link to some lists that work with

however, as a cat transporter, i'll tell you that most will not accept a cat
with FeLV....

please contact me offlist at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the name of the
city you're in, and the nearest couple of airports, and i'll see if i can
find out if we can arrange anything with our special-needs transporter. 


On 4/18/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Hi Beth, 


No I'm not part of any rescue list. At the beginning of this month three
rescues found me, and I couldn't turn them away. I wasn't out looking for
cats, it just happened. It was a wonderful thing since I was kind of feeling
lost as to my purpose in life, and I've found my calling; however, starting
my own rescue/shelter will take some time and planning. I'm working on
getting a better job. I teach on-line courses for high school kids for
college credit. The pay is horrendous-I figured out that's it's less that
minimum wage per hour that I work! I like the teaching, somewhat, but for
the amount of time I put into it.


If you know of any rescue transport resources, please let me know! I'd hate
to take money from people for gas, but if worse comes to worst, I could
probably swallow my pride and do it. I'd have to pay you back, of course.
Right now I'm working on paying off the vet bill. My husband makes a good
amount of money, but he doesn't part with it easily for cat stuff. He thinks
I should be on my own with this. We're not rich by any means-we live
paycheck to paycheck pretty much-but I think even though he's kind hearted,
if I turned on the waterworks for this, he'd still not be willing to give
for the trip. I'll see what I can do between now and May 1st. I'll keep
looking for transport funding on websites, etc.


Thanks for your help-I know you probably have a lot of other things on your
mind right now with the loss of poor Stamp. 





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gussies mom
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy


Are you part of any rescue lists? There are rescue transport lists with
networks all over. There is even an air transport for animals. I'll see if I
can find some info for you.


If not, I'd be more than willing to send you a little money to help with



Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well Cassidy has to go to Best Friends soon after May 1st. They can't wait
until July 1st for me to get a second IFA, but they said they'd keep him
apart from the other FeLV cats if there was any doubt as to his status. But,
I wonder what they consider doubt. I'd hate to expose him and he turns up
negative in the future.


And then there's the problem of funding the trip. I don't know how to come
up with just the gas money before May 1st! Do you guys know of any place to
turn to for help in a hurry? I figure it will cost me at least $240 for gas
round trip. Plus, according to Map Quest, the drive is a little over 18
hours! That'll mean lodging along the way and at the destination. Then
lodging on the way home unless I can get someone to take turns
driving/sleeping. I know! Maybe I'll just hitch a ride with a trucker!
They're used to long days like that! (Just kidding of course). 


Then there's the fact that I still don't have his first IFA test results
(just the Elisa). I'm so frustrated by my vet's office! I like my vet quite
a bit, but some of the helpers are a bunch of, pardon me, morons! I'm sure I
couldn't do they're jobs, but I know I could keep things straight. They told
me today that the lab work for Cassidy's IFA got lost in the mail, at the
lab, somewhere. My guess is they forgot to send it, and now they need
another sample. Who knows, but now we're really pushing the deadline for his
trip to Utah. They want him to come in on Monday since they won't send to
the lab until next week anyway. I think that if they won't put a rush on it
(like tomorrow), then I'll just have to find a vet who will. 


Furthermore, I called this morning about my two rescues in the garage. One
has the squirts, but I can't figure out which one. I can never catch them in
the act! I wanted to know what I should do, and I also called to get
Bandit's Prozac refilled. Okay, the receptionist takes down the info, and
says they'll call back. 


So, I finally get a call back late in the afternoon (I had called early in
the morning). The message they left was something about Bandit needing blood
drawn again (but Cassidy's the one who actually needs it), and the rest of
the message said that the food I wanted would be there in the morning.
What?!?! I didn't ask for food; Cassidy needs the blood work; what about the
diarrhea?; what about the Prozac? Grrrr! Sorry I'm ranting, but seriously!
So, I called back and politely explained the real situation. Sometimes one
of the workers there (or several) just seem like complete space-cadets! I
know we all have off days, but they seem to more than most. If I didn't like
my vet so much.well, I suppose there are other likeable vets around.I just
hate to travel too far since the car ride is usually traumatizing enough.


Thanks for listening to me complain. I needed to vent. I know many of you
are going through much worse situations and are dealing with a lot of
sadness, so I'm sorry if my complaints seem trivial!


I'm still not sure what I'll do with Cassidy. I'm just hoping his IFA comes
back negative, but I know that's not going to happen. But, he's so healthy
now, I just hope he has a wonderfully, long life. 






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